Monday, May 3, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

I just slammed a fistful of happy pills, and I am ready to hit the ground running! I caught a break this morning when my client called in sick. Suddenly I have an entire day free to do whatever I want. OK...that's a lie. I have an entire day to do what I NEED to do before I bid this apartment goodbye. I have to make my car payment, cash some checks, do my invoices, find a storage place, look for an area rug and curtain, pack, get flea preventative for my dog, and remember to harvest my agave on my virtual farm! And people wonder why I can't shut off my brain.

You wanna know what the last thing that really tripped me out was? I forgot to feed my dog on my virtual farm, and she ran away! Now she is in the virtual pound, and I don't have the 2 farmbucks I need to get her out. I have almost a million coins, but no...the pound wants FARMBUCKS! So my poor computer puppy sits in doggy jail until either 2 farmbucks magically appear in my Farmville account, or the programmers decide to let people use coins to let owners bail their puppies out of the pound. I couldn't keep track of feeding a computer puppy? And I'm actually sad about it? How screwed up is that???? Forget that I only lack three bricks to finish my nursery (which I don't really know why I started building, except people started sending me building materials for it). My poor virtual puppy is in jail! And to make matters worse, people are still sending me kibble and treats!!!

OK...back to reality. Thank you for letting me go off on that happy little tangent. Good thing it's time to go see my therapist. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think that so long as you remember to feed Benjamin, (and the real kitties, of course), that anything else is understandable.
